Hair Implantation – What You Need to Know

hair implantation

Hair Implantation – What You Need to Know

Hair implantation is a surgery that moves healthy hairs from areas with thick growth to bald or thinning parts of the scalp. It’s not a cure for baldness, but it can improve the appearance of your scalp and give you more confidence. It is performed by dermatologists (healthcare providers who specialize in the skin) or plastic surgeons.

During the hair transplant, you receive anesthesia that makes your scalp numb. You may also receive a mild sedative to help you relax. Most patients stay awake during the procedure. The surgery can take between four and eight hours. After the surgery, you’ll need to rest and let your body heal. You’ll need to wear a pressure bandage for a day or two, but many doctors let their patients recover bandage-free.

There are several types of hair transplants. Your doctor can recommend the best type for your needs. For example, a Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) is an older technique that requires removing a strip of skin with healthy hairs from the back or sides of your head. 압구정모발이식 병원 추천 The strip is then separated into small sections for implantation. This method leaves a noticeable scar at the back of your scalp, but it will likely fade with time and be concealed by your new hair growing around it moving forward.

Another option is a Robotic Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplant, which uses the same principle as traditional FUT but without a large, visible scar. In this type of hair transplant, a computerized device called the ARTAS robot harvests individual healthy hair follicles from your scalp with needle-like punches, then inserts them into the bald or thinning areas of your head in a pattern designed to mimic natural hair growth.

After a hair transplant, your new hair will grow slowly for the first few months. Your doctor will tell you when you can expect your results to fully appear. Some of your transplanted hair will fall out or thin, but this is normal. Over time, most of the transplanted hair will start to grow again and fill in the area with a fuller, more natural-looking head of hair.

Hair transplants aren’t a good choice for people who are completely bald or have very little hair to begin with. They’re more effective if you have thick, dense hair that’s light in color. If you’re prone to thinning hair, your doctor can suggest other ways to improve your appearance. These might include using topical solutions, prescription medicines, or laser therapy.

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