Pelvic Plastic Surgery – Repairing Prolapse

Pelvic plastic surgery repairs weakened or damaged parts of the pelvic floor or vagina. For example, when a woman has prolapse, or a tear in the muscles of the pelvic floor, we may repair this with a surgical mesh implant. This is an alternative to using native tissue for the repair and can be used for many types of prolapse. The goal is to restore the support structure of the pelvic organs and normalize function.골반필러가격

Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) occurs when the muscles and ligaments of the pelvic floor weaken. This can happen with pregnancy, childbirth, aging, trauma, or injury to the pelvic floor. It can also be caused by hereditary factors. The lifetime risk of POP is about 10% and 30% of women require reoperation for POP after a standard vaginal operation.

There are several different surgical procedures to treat prolapse, including sacral colpopexy, which suspends or fixes the upper part of the vaginal vault, or sacrocolpopexy, which does the same thing for the lower portion. These are performed through the abdominal opening, but the urogynecologist can perform them through the vagina as well, which is less invasive.

Another surgical procedure is the sacrocolpopexy for women who have had hysterectomy, or a sacrohysteropexy for women who have a sacroiliitis, a herniated sac in the sacropelvic area of the pelvis. This surgical procedure repositions the organs and supports the area with a strip of mesh in the lower abdomen. It is possible for this mesh to erode into viscera, and in that case, a surgeon will remove it through the abdominal incision or through a laparoscopy with small abdominal incisions.

A more recent method of surgical repair is to use a synthetic mesh in the vagina to support the tissue and prevent prolapse. This is called a sling, and it is done through the vagina and can be placed with either a synthetic or biological mesh. The sling can be used for prolapse of any type or for stress urinary incontinence (leaking urine with physical activity, such as exercise, coughing, or sneezing).

A more difficult procedure to do is the transvaginal graft surgery, which involves transferring healthy tissue from elsewhere in the body to the weak areas of the pelvic floor and restoring normal support. This is usually performed in patients who cannot tolerate the risks of a more invasive abdominal approach to the procedure, but it can be done through vaginal incisions or robotically, allowing for a quicker recovery and return to regular activities. This procedure is also used for sacropelvic clefting, a rare condition in which the sacropelvic structures are not formed normally. The sacropelvic clefting surgery is an important treatment for female sexual function after pregnancy or childbirth, as well as preventing incontinence problems. A sacropelvic clefting can be caused by trauma, childbirth, or gynecologic surgery. There are a number of surgical approaches to sacropelvic clefting, and the best option is determined by the urogynecologist after a thorough discussion with the patient about her lifestyle and goals.닥터케빈의원

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