A Hair Loss Hospital Specialist Examines You

a hair loss hospital

A Hair Loss Hospital Specialist Examines You

A dermatologist or a hair loss hospital specialist takes your medical history and examines your scalp, hair and any other areas affected by the thinning or balding. He or she will ask you whether anyone in your family experienced the problem and when it occurred. Depending on your symptoms, your doctor may do a blood test or take a sample of your hair and scalp for laboratory testing. The test can reveal a number of factors that can cause hair loss, including medication side effects such as those caused by lithium, beta-blockers, heparin and certain cancer chemotherapy drugs; a thyroid disorder; an iron deficiency; sex hormone imbalance in women; or other medical illnesses such as systemic lupus erythematosus (Lupus), ringworm and severe dandruff.서면탈모병원

In addition to a physical exam and a review of your medical history, the dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon will also probably recommend a scalp biopsy. This involves gently pulling a few dozen or more hairs and looking at them under a microscope. In most cases, the test will be unnecessary, but in some cases it can uncover conditions such as alopecia areata, several types of autoimmune diseases and anemia, and disorders like traction or polycystic ovary syndrome that can lead to hair loss in both men and women.

A follicular unit transplant is a surgical procedure that replaces lost hair by moving skin and its associated hair to bald or thinning areas. This procedure is most commonly used to treat male pattern baldness, but women with a receding hairline or a crown that is thinning can also benefit from it.부산탈모병원

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