Breast Plastic Surgery


Women’s breasts are a crucial part of their overall appearance. A well-proportioned pair of breasts can add balance and symmetry to a woman’s frame and give her an air of poise and confidence. But for many, there are aspects of their breasts that they don’t love. Whether it’s a lack of volume, shape or symmetry, breast plastic surgery can be a great option for those who want to change their breast size and look and feel more beautiful.

There are several different types of breast implants, which come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Round breast implants have fullness all around them and may have a more natural feel than anatomical shaped (teardrop) 가슴필러 implants, which have a more pointed top and smaller base. Your plastic surgeon will help you choose the size of your breast implants based on your body structure, physical health and lifestyle. Breast implants can be inserted under the pectoral muscle, under the breast tissue or directly into the chest wall.

If you have lost a breast due to cancer, your plastic surgeon may perform reconstruction using silicone or saline breast implants. They can also use autologous breast reconstruction, which uses tissue from elsewhere on your body to rebuild the breast. This tissue can be obtained from the abdomen, buttocks or chest wall. Breasts can be rebuilt at the same time as the mastectomy incisions (which is called immediate reconstruction) or after the incisions have healed and your breast cancer therapy has been completed (which is called delayed reconstruction).

Breast lifts reduce sagging skin, increase nipple position and restore a more youthful breast contour. It is commonly performed on healthy women who wish to increase their bust size or reduce sagging skin following childbirth.닥터케빈의원

In a nipple reduction, your plastic surgeon will make an incision at the site of each areola and reduce or remove excess skin. They will then reposition the areolas and the nipple, if necessary.

The recovery from breast plastic surgery can take some time, but you should be able to return to your normal activities within a few weeks. You will need to keep the incision sites clean, and you might experience pain, swelling or numbness. You should wear a supportive bra to help your breasts heal and avoid putting too much pressure on the area.

There is a low risk of developing a rare type of lymphoma associated with certain types of breast implant shells (called BIA-ALCL). This disease is treatable, but it’s important to talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of this procedure before having it done.

Dr. Cangello is a highly skilled surgeon who is known for his elegant cosmetic results. He blends medical precision with artistic intuition to create subtle enhancements that look completely natural. He has helped countless women restore the volume, shape and symmetry they desire without compromising their natural beauty. He has even earned the trust of professional models from some of the most prestigious agencies in the world.

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