Rhinitis Oriental Medicine Clinic


Rhinitis is an inflammation and irritation of the mucous membrane lining the nose. It is caused by many different factors such as bacteria, allergens, air pollutants, certain foods or beverages, smoke, hormonal changes or viruses. There are two types of rhinitis, allergic and nonallergic. Allergic rhinitis is more common and is also called “hay fever.” Symptoms include itchy eyes and throat, sneezing, runny nose and congestion, watery nasal discharge and a blocked sinus. It can be very frustrating for patients and is a significant cause of missed days at work and school, decreased productivity and quality of life.

Nonallergic rhinitis is a more persistent condition and is not as easy to treat. It is often triggered by viruses or by environmental factors such as colds, extremes of temperature or humidity, cigarette smoke, perfumes, fumes, or medications containing hormones like HRT. It can be difficult to determine what is causing it as symptoms are very similar to those of allergies. There are more than 30 million people in the United States affected by nonallergic rhinitis and it is a major health concern affecting one’s quality of life.축농증 한의원 추천

Unlike conventional medicines, which focus on the symptoms of rhinitis rather than its root causes, acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine address the imbalances that are triggering your body to produce inflammatory responses. Acupuncture treatments target the immune system to reduce inflammation and balance your body’s natural ability to fight allergies. In addition to acupuncture, your practitioner may recommend herbal formulas in pill or tea form depending on your preference.

Clinical studies have shown that acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine can significantly reduce daily rhinitis scores and increase symptom-free days during both active treatment and follow up periods1-4. Acupuncture and herbs are safe, effective treatments that can help you get rid of your allergies without the use of drugs that are associated with side effects.라경찬한의원

Yarrow is an antiseptic and has anti-inflammatory properties, which make it a great herb for treating allergy symptoms. It is also a diuretic which means it helps to drain excess fluid from the body. It is also an antispasmodic, astringent and analgesic. The yarrow herb can be taken in the form of a capsule or tincture. It is recommended that you consult with a licensed acupuncturist before trying this or any other herbal remedies. Your acupuncturist will be able to guide you in the proper dosage and how to administer the herbs. Alternatively, you can also try a homeopathic remedy made from yarrow extract which is available in most drugstores.

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