How a Hair Transplant Works

a hair transplant

How a Hair Transplant Works

A hair transplant is a cosmetic procedure that moves healthy hair to bald or thinning areas of the scalp, restoring a fuller head of hair. The technique is also known as hair restoration or hair replacement surgery and it’s usually carried out by dermatologists or plastic surgeons, who have specialised in the procedure. A hair transplant can help people who have suffered genetic or hormonal hair loss, as well as those whose hair loss was caused by an injury or rarer condition. 무모증모발이식

It’s worth mentioning at this stage that not everyone will be a suitable candidate for a hair transplant, so it’s important to discuss the pros and cons of the treatment with a dermatologist who specialises in hair transplantation. During your consultation, they’ll be able to examine your hair, scalp and eyebrows and tell you what the procedure is likely to achieve for you. You may also need a blood test to check for things going on inside your body that could be causing the thinning or balding.

Once your medical practitioner has decided that you’re a good candidate for a hair transplant, they’ll plan the surgery with you. The surgeon will use an anaesthetic to numb the area of your scalp that will be treated, before removing a narrow strip of skin from the back and sides of your scalp (this is called the donor site). This skin is then carefully divided into tiny’micro’ grafts, each of which contains one or more hair follicles. These follicular units are then inserted into tiny slits on the affected part of your scalp, where they’ll grow and thicken.

After the procedure is finished, you’ll be allowed to go home. Vigorous physical activity should be avoided for five to seven days and medication will be provided to help minimise swelling. The doctor will usually remove the stitches a few weeks later.

Depending on the results you’re after, you may need further treatments to help the new hair grow faster and stronger. These treatments might include laser therapy or platelet-rich plasma, for example. You may also find that the transplanted hair will shed slightly or lose its colour for a few months, which is normal.

In the long run, the new hair should look completely natural and continue to grow for your entire life. Some people experience inflammation of the hair follicles after a transplant, which can be relieved with antibiotics and cold compresses. Some people also experience shock loss, where they suddenly lose some of the new hair that’s grown.

If you’re a man who wants to restore a full head of hair, a hair transplant is a great option for you. The cost of a hair transplant is often much less than you might think, too. And while it’s considered a cosmetic treatment, you might be able to get it subsidised by Medicare or private health insurance if your hair loss was caused by a burn, trauma or other serious condition.모우다의원

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